


Energy Check

30 mins, $60

The “Psychic Oil Change”. Leave with your chakras in alignment and the layers of your aura patched and repaired. We will take a deeper look into your places of trauma and remove negative blockages that are no longer serving you in this life.


Healing & Reading

60 mins

LET’S GO! The Intuitive Healing session takes on a journey of its own. Together, we call upon our Guides, Angels, and our own intuitive natures to help us find answers to your burning questions and heal physical, emotional, and psychic wounds. HELL YEAH!


Past Life Readings

45 mins

Past lives hold valuable information concerning this life's journey and the lessons we are here to learn. We can use these past experiences to uncover cycles that need to be broken and to heal psychic wounds. Plus, it’s damn cool!


Manifestation Coaching

30 mins

GET IT! Attract what you want, receive what you need. The Universe, Angels, and Spirit Guides will help you to achieve all that you desire, just ask! This super powerful 30 min session will help you to intuit what you want most: Career change? Love? Material Wealth? Health?



30 mins, $60
60 min, $100

Pick a card and let’s see where the deck takes us!


Are you looking for a way to bring Grounding and Manifestation meditation into daily practice? This is a great place to start. Have Ashley tailor a personalized meditation to your needs and time constraints. Be a master of your own change and begin using your Intuition daily to reach your Highest Self!

Personalized Recorded Meditations

Times vary, $25-$100


All services can be done in person or on the phone.